
Authentication mechanisms for HORAO

There are 3 configurations that need to be applied, the first is peer authentication using a shared secret. The second and third are user authentication that need to be configured for regular users and administrators. Both users and administrators will need to use the same Open ID Connect provider. Basic information requested is only email, identification of administrators is done by the roles custom claim (so the OIDC provider needs to support this, and needs to be configured, like https://claims.idp.example.com/role).

Peer authentication

All instances of HORAO that form one cluster need to be able to authenticate each other. This is done using a shared secret that is stored in the .env file. The shared secret is used to sign the messages that are exchanged between the instances. The shared secret is stored in the .env file as follows:


Peer synchronization is done using the PEERS environment variable. This is a comma separated list of peers that need to be synchronized. The peers are identified by their IP address. The PEERS environment variable is stored in the .env file as follows:


These are comma separated values that are used to identify the peers that need to be synchronized. The synchronization happens over the ‘synchronize’ endpoint on the API.

There is a ‘PEER_STRICT’ that defaults to ‘True’. This means that the peers origin needs to be matched to the value supplied in the ‘PEERS’ environment variable. If ‘PEER_STRICT’ is set to ‘False’ then the origin of the peer is not checked. The hostname of the system should be fetched automatically, but on internal domains this can return faulty information, this hostname can be set manually:


Open ID Connect parts

The following variables need to be set in the .env file:


The OAUTH_CLIENT_ID and OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET are the client id and client secret that are provided by the Open ID Connect provider.


Administrators are identified by the roles custom claim. The roles custom claim is stored in the .env file as follows:



If the roles custom claim is not present, or the user does not have the administrator role, then the user is considered a regular user.