
A very trivial guide to creating your virtual enviroment for running this project locally


  1. Install Python 3.11 or higher
  2. Create a virtual environment under the root folder of this project (python -m venv .venv)
  3. Activate the environment (source .venv/bin/activate)
  4. Install poetry (pip install poetry)
  5. Install the required packages (poetry install)
    • If you want to install the development dependencies as well, you can run poetry install --with dev
    • If you want to install with only testing dependencies, you can run poetry install --with test
  6. Run the project (poetry run python horao/main.py)

Note on testing

In order to install the testing dependencies you can run the following command poetry install --with test. You can run the tests using the poetry run pytest command. This will run the tests in a virtual environment and ensure that the tests are run in a clean environment.


A coverage report is automatically generated when running pytest.